How to start investing and when? - Syd Chase Group
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How to start investing and when?

How to start investing and when?

First off, investing can be a great way to grow your money. Most savings accounts pay very low-interest rates, right now the avg is a paltry .27 percent dam near if not at historic lows, So don’t count on your money that is parked in a savings account to grow much over time. There are online banks that do pay as high as 1.90 percent. You should be using the latter to store your emergency funds or for your investing dollars, in nonstock related investments, ie any pure-play alternative invest. To know more about this area of investing read my book (Your No Bull To Making Money with Alternative Investments) Find it at HERE or Amazon.
Start to invest as early as possible but it is never too late to get started. Our kids and our grandchildren started as early as there first job in a ROTH IRA or another vehicle.  Investing for retirement is just one reason to invest. There are many other reasons to,  help you buy a home, travel, start a dream project or even pay your bills in the future. If you invest in the stock market, you’ll have a better chance of watching your investment grow over the long term. Please though don’t just invest in the markets.
Building an investment strategy really is not that difficult and there is no right or wrong way to get started. Let’s go over a few here and if you would like you can contact us for a free 20 min consultation by using our book me now tab, better yet here you go
Ok! first thing you want to do is create a budget, Can find a blank copy again at our site,
Start an emergency fund in a saving account or an online bank account as we talked about earlier. Get it up to $500 then $1000 then ……… This is for your car breaking down, washer or dryer …… Not for buying a wanted item!
Next, You could start a living expense fund again online bank account, better to not mix this with your emergency fund unless you have good self-control. This account is for if you lose your job and need money to pay your monthly bills till you find another one or you create your own. The avg savings should be at least 3 to 6 mths, as the years go on this will become less important to have.
Next let us get started with a 401k, if your company offers it and then only put in what they match, then move on to a Roth, Sep, Solo… IRAs. What you use will depend on your situation. You should talk to your account or that’s a question you could ask us during your free consultation.
Next, It’s time to start investing in Alternative Investments! This is a huge topic that I cover in my book, or you can take the time to google it or again give us a call. There are a hundred different things that are considered Alternative and another thousand ways to invest in them.
You may be thinking how much do I need to get started, well in today’s world as little as $25 to $50 but the more you can start with the better off you will be. Here are a few links I would recommend to start with M1 (link) is a great place for you to start with your IRA anyone of them.
RobinHood (link)  is also another good one and you can also do individual stock investing and the same with Webull (link)  I use all three and this is also where I started all our grandchildren at. I also use Vanguard for a manged Roth Ira I have. At this time we use TD Ameritrade for our family p[ortfolio but we are looking to switch to Light speed for our daily trading.
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